Services > Workshops > Counselling


•     Overcoming Procrastination: If Not Now, Then When?

•     Procrastination & Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD): Do It Now!

•     Overcoming Perfectionism

•     Eating Disorders

•     Dealing with “Difficult” People: Understanding Interpersonal Dynamics

•     Sleep Disorders


Overcoming Procrastination: If Not Now, Then When?

“Tomorrow is often the busiest day of the week,” according to a Spanish proverb, so this workshop will focus on what you can do today. Participants are asked to bring a list of their top five incomplete tasks. As William James said, “Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task.” If your “unfinished business” has contributed to or caused your fatigue, stress, anxiety, lack of motivation, or depression and you cannot relax because of the eternal pressures of these uncompleted tasks, then this workshop is for you!

Procrastination & Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD): Do It Now!

Procrastination, the habit of putting tasks off until the last possible second, can be a major problem for people with ADD. Postponing until tomorrow what can be done today can result in missed opportunities, disappointment, increased levels of stress, poor performance, or guilt. Procrastinators are often overly optimistic about their ability to complete a task on a tight deadline. They overestimate the amount of work they can do in a short period of time and underestimate how much time it will take to complete it. As time passes and the false sense of security dissipates, the procrastinator realizes that “There is just not enough time!” This is often replaced by I only work well under pressure." Progress is being made, but freedom is lost as the procrastinator works long hours to complete a project. Understanding how and why you procrastinate is the first step to changing this behaviour. This presentation will explore the causes of procrastination and offer practical suggestions for people with ADD on how to “Do It Now!”

Overcoming Perfectionism

Striving for perfection can lead to depression, anxiety, lack of motivation, difficulty concentrating, stress, eating disorders, etc. What happens when goals become unattainable and expectations exceed personal capabilities? This presentation will focus on the differences between positive and negative perfectionism and will outline healthy ways to pursue high standards. The session will provide several case studies to highlight the difficulties people experience due to perfectionism and to facilitate discussion regarding the healthy pursuit of excellence vs. an unhealthy striving for perfection. The session will end with practical ways to identify and change negative perfectionism and to facilitate a healthier pursuit of excellence.

Eating Disorders

The main objective of this workshop is to teach participants how to deal with emotions without the use of food. The session will focus on mind– body connections as they relate to eating, body image, and dieting. Workshop participants will learn about mindful eating, how to break free from "food rules," and how to identify emotions that can trigger overeating or food restriction. The focus will be on decoding the eating disorder language and uncovering the roots of body-image issues and food preoccupations. This workshop is intended for people who have struggled with eating disorders or who have a family member or friend who has been affected by an eating disorder. Practical strategies for dealing with eating disorders and for helping family members or friends who struggle with them will be discussed.

Dealing with “Difficult” People: Understanding Interpersonal Dynamics

Every person is different; we have different temperaments, different interpersonal styles, different reactions to stress, and different ways of communicating with one another. Some are a joy to be with while others take the joy out of your day. The purpose of this workshop is to reflect on different personality traits and styles and to learn to recognize the common characteristics of complainers, avoiders, “indecisives,” attention seekers, “superiors,” “arrogants,” and “impulsives.” The emphasis of the workshop will be on delivering practical strategies to help you understand different personality styles and learn effective communication strategies in order to avoid conflict.

Sleep Disorders

This informational session is intended for people who are unable to fall asleep or stay asleep at night and are experiencing daytime fatigue, tiredness, restlessness, mood disturbances, or performance impairment due to a lack of restorative sleep. The following topics will be covered in the workshop: facts about sleep, treatments of sleep disorders, assessment of sleep disorders, diagnosis of sleep disorders, sleep-diary monitoring, overview of treatment protocols, the self-management approach, sleep-altering beliefs and attitudes about sleep, relaxation strategies, and sleep hygiene education. Hands-on resources and useful support materials will be provided for participants to help them improve their sleep. 

For more information and to register for workshops click here